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Numbers and Numbers


Solver of the famous game "Numbers and Letters" Progress in mental arithmetic

App Information

Jun 09, 2016
Google Play ID

App Names

App Description
"Numbers and Numbers"
Solver of the famous game "Numbers and Letters"
"Des Chiffres et des Chiffres" in France.

You certainly know the french game "Des Chiffres et des Lettres" or "The Numbers and Letters" or similar.

If like me you like numbers and calculations, this app is for you !!

As in the famous TV game, train yourself to find the right account, a number (random or selected) between 100 and 999 using:

- 6 from 24 plates representing the numbers 1 to 10 (in duplicate) and the numbers 25, 50, 75 and 100 (a single copy)
- The 4 basic operations ( '+', '-', 'x' and '/')
- (We do not use negative numbers or decimals)

As the TV ;-)
Improve your mental math by training / fun a little each day

Ability to select the combination (plates and result) or choose a random draw

Nearly 94 % of the prints have a solution (The count is good).

SPEED mode can be changed during the calculation
"OFF" displays all the solutions he found
"ON" stops at the first found solution - (thus faster)
It has no effect when the account is not good

Opportunity to "zap" the calculation relaunching "the dice" (random draw), if you think the calculation is too slow (depending on equipment used).

Improve mental math level
Progress in mental math with this fun game solver of Numbers and Letters.

"Numbers and Numbers"
"Des Chiffres et des Chiffres"

Progress in mental arithmetic
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