Cachai Online Beta icon

Cachai Online Beta

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Trial version of the Cachai Online application

App Information

App Description
Did you know that you can learn mathematics and physics in an easy, fast and competitive way?
Be a pioneer in Cachai Online, we created this application with you in mind.
Create rings (trivia) of the subject you want or need to study, invite your friends to play and the best thing... is coming in the second version so you should play a lot and collect points.
We have more than 7,000 math questions and 3,000 physics questions classified according to the topic you want to play.
Do you want to know why our questions are so special?
Our founders solved more than 4,000 questions and went to take the PAES M1, without studying anything beforehand, obtaining more than 900 points each.
Our secret is… better find out by downloading the application.
If you don't know how to solve a question, don't worry, they are all solved in video format.
And stay tuned for all our news, updates are coming to the App and new subjects.
What are you waiting for? Download the game now!
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