Gello icon


42.0.2311.1185 (747cb06)

Download Gello APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

App Information

Oct 14, 2016

App Names

App Description

Gello is shipping - One year later...

This app will be coming on CyanogenMod 13 build for a selected range of devices (it's opt-in and each maintainer has to evalutate if it's ok to ship it on his device, because chromium).

Features list
- Anything you would expect from a browser
- Edge navigation: swipe from the left / right edge of your device and you'll navigate through history
- Immersive mode
- Night mode (inverted colors)
- Colored statusbar (basing on the icon of the website you're visiting)
- LookLock (prevent all the other apps to see / read the webview content)
- Powersave mode
- "Advanced" WebPage sharing (Share page screenshot and link instead of link only)
- Save webpages for offline reading
And other things I forgot to mention here.

Why it took so much time?
This app is based on chromium / swe, and it needs a proper build env to be compiled, you cannot add that to the android build system like any other app.
It needs to be compiled and the apk has to be exported as prebuilt to the android system. And its build environment takes up to 40GB of disk space, and no one wants to download 40GB of sources for one (1) app.
So we decided to let the user decide if he/she/it wants to compile it (and download all the sources) or fetch a prebuilt compiled by CyanogenMod's Jenkins server that uploads the apk to maven ( ).
Jenkins will compile a new apk once every week, and you will be able to enjoy it in both official and unofficial builds.
If you're interested in how it's compiled, give a look at the links at the end of this post.
The server and compilation stuff took much time, the app has been ready for many months. But better later than never.

People to blame for this app
I need to say "thank you" to some guys out of here:
+Tom Powell​​​​ for his work on jenkins and maven stuffs
+Jovie Brett Bardoles​​​​ for the icon
+Asher Simonds​​​​ for some drawables you'll find inside the app
+Matt Garnes​​​​ for the "Advanced share" feature from CyanogenOS' browser
and many other who helped me with this.

Some links
- Gello build environment (and documentation) :
- Gello sources:
- Gello benchmarks:
- How to add it to your build:
- An article I've written with some more info
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