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Testy PSP i OSP


Contains 1065 questions. Possibility to generate exam tests to PDF file.

App Information

Mar 23, 2023

App Names

App Description
PSP and OSP tests is an application prepared for professional firefighters and volunteers (the possibility of selecting questions from the category depending on the needs of a given PSP or TSO unit).

The purpose of the application is to improve, consolidate and verify the knowledge of the combat division staff and control positions during the operational readiness inspection. The application contains 1065 questions published by the National Center for Coordination of Rescue and Civil Protection at the General Headquarters of the State Fire Service.

The questions contained in the application come from the document "A set of test questions to be used in the knowledge tests of the combat division casts and command posts during the operational readiness inspection" obtained from the website of the General Headquarters of the State Fire Service - www.straz.gov.pl (https: // straz.gov.pl/panstwowa_straz_pozarna/inspekcja_gotowosci_operacyjna) on 03/03/2020 at 5:40 pm.

The Headquarters of the State Fire Service is not responsible for information processing, further sharing and use.

PSP and OSP Tests application:
- it is completely FREE, DOES NOT DISPLAY ADS,
- works OFFLINE, so it does not need internet access,
- contains 1065 questions (as of January 2017),
- offers two modules: SCIENCE and EXAM,
- in the SCIENCE module, all questions are presented (sequentially or randomly), you can also select questions from a specific section. Correct answers are marked when choosing the answer; the ability to view the list of answers in the module summary and at the stage of each question (click the "eye" icon visible on the top bar),
- from the SCIENCE module summary, you can also start learning only with questions that were answered incorrectly,
- in the EXAM module, 30 questions are drawn from the available pool, and at the end the user can view the list of questions with his or her marked and correct answers; the number of correct and incorrect answers and the time of solving the test. A passed exam has a minimum of 16 good answers. (50% + 1)
- the ability to generate exam questions for a PDF file after entering the EXAM module. You must first enable this option in SETTINGS,
- in the EXAM module, you can generate questions from any selected categories,
- allows you to choose the question with which we want to start the SCIENCE module,
- allows you to save the state of the SCIENCE module and start from it at the next launch (separately for each department)
- the user can use the SETTINGS option, in which you can, among others:
--- set the method of switching questions: automatic or manual,
--- set the time for automatic question change,
--- enable the ability to generate exam questions to a PDF file. It is then required to allow the files to be saved on the device.
- the EXAM module allows you to return to the previous question and change the answers (this option is only available in the manual question switching mode),
- works in portrait and landscape orientation,
- available for phones and tablets from Android 4.4,
- an option to search for questions by the phrase appearing in the question or answer is available. After finding a question or questions, the correct answer is marked immediately.

We recommend and wish you pleasant and fruitful learning.


Users, if you think that the application meets your expectations and is useful for you, please take a moment to evaluate it. Remember that the questions are not put together by the developer of the application, but by the National Center for Coordination of Rescue and Civil Protection at the National Headquarters of the State Fire Service.

If you have an additional idea what can be improved / changed, or you found a bug, please contact me by e-mail: pawel@wojnarowski.it

Thank you.
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