Transitfy - Bus | Bike New Yor icon

Transitfy - Bus | Bike New Yor

Real-time bus, subway and bike in your pocket!

App Information

Jul 02, 2019

App Names

App Description
Public transport of your city in your pocket!

Public transport of your city in your pocket!
Know real-time information about the transport of your city:
+Bus estimates for any stop in the city
+Bus Lines
+Save your favorite stop in your account and sync them between your devices
+Bus routes
+Near bus stops
+Bike network: free docks and bikes

Available transports
+Subway (soon)
+Train (soon)

More transport and more cities will be added in the future!

U.S Cities
*New York

Spanish Cities

U.K Cities

Your city is not available? Send us an email in orter to add it in next updates. More cities will be added in the future.

Problems or any feedback about the app are welcome. Send them to my email:

Rate Transitfy if you like it and enjoy the app!


All data in the app are provided by public transports companies of each city and we haven't any control about the accuracy of the display data.
If you know something is wrong, please send us an email and we'll try to report to the data provider in order to update as soon as posible the app with new data.
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