Final Events icon

About the events that happen in the last days of this world.

App Information

May 16, 2017

App Names

App Description
App in Portuguese

Complete compilation of the last events that will take place in this world shortly before the second coming of the Lord Jesus to our planet Earth.

This book should be carefully studied by all Christians who really want to know details about the latest developments on this cringing cross planet before the coming of the Lord Jesus.

It is this literary work, shown in detail what the Bible by its prophets predict recently. Wars, earthquakes, disasters, evangelism, sanctification, the time of trouble, the second coming of Jesus, and many other topics of interest can be studied in detail in this book.

The writings of Ellen G. White are a source of teaching in the doctrine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is true that the central source of Adventist doctrine is the Bible, the writings of Ellen G. White are auxiliary assistants to understanding Of the scriptures.

Ellen White, in addition, established in her books much information about health in which Adventists call "health reform." This "reform" established the basic principles of Adventists with regard to health and care of the body.

In addition to ecclesiastical leader, it is considered by the Adventists prophetess for the modern times.

Take advantage of this application to feel closer to yourself and God.

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