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Coaches and trainers use Bridge to build, deliver, and track training programs

App Information

May 10, 2024

App Names

App Description
BridgeAthletic empowers athletes and clients to complete their training programs from anywhere. With a library of over 3,000 video movements and 300+ templates, Bridge is a platform for coaches and trainers to efficiently build, assign and track training both in-person and remotely. Bridge is trusted by elite organizations ranging from Professional and Collegiate teams to private gyms and independent trainers.

Here's how:
- Complete Training - All programs assigned to athletes can be completed through the app from anywhere.
- Track Everything - Each set is recorded and tracked so no PR is missed!
- Log Wellness - Complete an in-app readiness survey to check in on how you're doing prior to your training session.
- Update Workouts - Make edits on the fly directly within a workout to change prescriptions, sets and exercises.
- Manage Athletes - Available ONLY on a tablet coaches can manage athletes, build programs, and complete workouts.

For more information or to get started with creating custom training programs head to
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