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Secretaria Escolar Digital SED


Services for students, parents, teachers and employees of the São Paulo state network.

App Information

Nov 20, 2022

App Names

App Description
The Digital School Secretariat (SED) platform was established by Resolution SE nº 36 2016, of 05/25/2016.

SED is customized for each type of user. For students' parents, for example, the school report card and school events are available. It is from the Digital School Secretariat that those responsible can participate more closely in the students' routine. Students can download the student's notebook, create their e-mail accounts and send their photos for issuance of the school card.

Schools and teaching boards, in turn, will be able to use the platform to keep track of the school calendar, record important assessments such as AAP and Performance Evaluation - 360º of the Integral Education Program (PEI), perform the accreditation process for teachers PEI, associate teachers with classes, approve curricular matrices, among other activities.

In order to update and inform the news of the platform, the Digital School Secretariat also counts on the SED Bulletin, a newsletter sent periodically to registered users of schools and teaching boards.
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