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Parables of Jesus Christ


Miễn phí Android App với dụ ngôn của Chúa Giêsu Kitô (với những hình ảnh đầy cảm hứng)

App Information

Phiên bản
Cập nhật
22 th 07, 2016
Nhà phát triển
Google Play ID
Lượt cài đặt

App Names

App Description
This free android app contains Parables of Jesus Christ from different books in the New Testament (Luke, Matthew, Mark). All parables are taken from the World English Bible version. Images are also included to make the story more inspiring. The app is stored on the SD card, so it won’t use up your phone’s memory. Below are the stories/parables included:

• Barren Fig Tree
• Budding Fig Tree
• Burglar
• Children in the Market Place
• Choice of Places at the Table
• Closed Door
• Faithful Servants
• Friend Asking for Help at Midnight
• Garments and Wineskins
• Going Before the Judge
• Good and Bad Fruit
• Good Samaritan
• Great Supper
• Guest Without a Wedding Garment
• King Planning for Battle
• Lamp on a Stand
• Leaven
• Lost Coin
• Lost Sheep
• Mustard Seed
• Net
• Pearl
• Pharisee and Publican
• Pounds or Talents
• Prodigal Son
• Return of the Unclean Spirit
• Rich Man and Lazarus
• Rich Fool
• Salt
• Seed Growing Secretly
• Servant Entrusted with Supervision
• Servant’s Reward
• Serving Two Masters
• Sheep and Goats
• Sower and Seed
• Specks and Planks in Eyes
• Strong Man
• Tower-Builder
• Treasure
• Two Debtors
• Two Houses Built on Rock or Earth
• Two Sons
• Unjust Judge
• Unjust Steward
• Unmerciful Servant
• Vineyard Workers and Employer
• Wheat and Tares
• Wicked Tenants
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