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Wasteland Refuge


combines many facets of RPG gameplay.

App Information

Oct 19, 2016
Google Play ID

App Names

App Description
An unknown virus has tainted the world, infecting much of humanity, and mutating them.
The virus has spread at an alarming rate, leaving many shocked in the aftermath.
Survivors have established a temporary government, setting up research teams to find a vaccine. Investigative teams have also been dispatched to find the source of the infection.
Humanity is struggling hard to grasp at the last threads of their lives. The protagonist is a part of one of the investigative teams, with orders to scour the area of one of the worst virus infections…

combines many facets of RPG gameplay, with collection, socketing, upgrades, talents, achievements, equipment etc.. Gameplay has also been enhanced, with extended and abundant combat scenes. No repetitive stage experiences, guaranteed for lasting and interesting gameplay.
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