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guess character kaisen jujutsu


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Dec 06, 2023
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Psychologist Anna Surti Ariani says some of the benefits of playing for adults include:

1. Make the body healthier. Playing for children and adults can actually make the body healthier.
"Especially when playing sports in the form of games," said Anna. Playing can also be a means to express emotions because doing activities that can make you laugh out loud to scream with enthusiasm.
2. Means of strengthening relationships with other people. For children, playing is one way to develop social skills, while for adults, playing can be a means of strengthening relationships with other people. "Especially when playing with other people," he said.
3. Part of "me time" through games, especially games that can be done alone such as puzzles, one can have quality time alone.
In addition, playing can make you know more about yourself. While games that require strategy are not only entertaining, but can sharpen intelligence. "The form of the game can be the same as the children's or different. Examples of adult games such as card games, board games to sports," he explained. If you have a hobby that you often do in your free time, it can also be considered the same as playing. "Because basically running a hobby is enjoying activities that are considered fun," said Anna.
4. Relieve stress.
The page writes, playing is fun and can trigger endorphins, natural chemicals that feel good for the body. Endorphins increase overall pleasure and may even temporarily relieve pain.
5. Improved brain function.
Playing games like chess, solving puzzles, or engaging in other fun activities that challenge the brain can help prevent memory problems and improve brain function. In addition, playing social interactions with family and friends can also help ward off stress and depression.
6. Stimulate the mind and increase creativity.
Young children often learn to do their best when they play, this is a principle that applies to adults as well. You will learn new tasks better as you play and then you are in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Playing can also imagine you, helping you adapt and solve problems.
7. Makes you feel young and energetic.
George Bernard Shaw said, “we don't stop playing because we get old; we grow old because we stop playing." Because playing can increase your energy and vitality and even increase your resistance to disease, helping you to perform at your best.
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