90's - Shevardnadze's Journey icon

90's - Shevardnadze's Journey


During the game, you will travel to the 90's

App Information

Dec 10, 2020

App Names

App Description
The 90s were the most difficult period for Georgia, as the country struggled with the remnants of the Soviet Union - complete chaos in the economy, politics and generally in all directions. Almost all the spheres necessary for the normal functioning of the country collapsed, including the economy, which led to inflation, poverty, unemployment, internal strife, increased crime, and corruption at all levels. Added to this, there was no electricity and water, food deficit and endless bread lines.

The President of Georgia at that time was Eduard Shevardnadze, who is the main character of the game. He remains one of the main memories of the 90s, his reign left a significant impact on our life and the future of the country. During the game, you will travel to the 90s and see characteristic of that period, such as:

Green Kerosene heater aka Kerasinka - a kerosene-fueled heater as there was no heating or electricity;

Fire - you could often see a fire burning in a neighborhood, where children and parents gathered trying to socialize to communicate;

Sigua’s cake - cheap cake made of the simplest ingredients, but beloved and most delicious because there was no other alternative;

Stove - it was a thing powered by electricity, mainly used for cooking or heating;

Demonstrations - street protests, often demanding the return of stolen deposits form the bank or the resignation of politicians, or even asking to switch on the electricity.

Game authors:

Project by: Levan Geliashvili Eredeli

Artists: Lasha Metreveli | Varlam Jmukhadze

Developer: Demetre Shonia

Music: Vodka Vtraiom - Gldaneli Anzori (Zaza Remix) Executive producer - Levan Geliashvili Eredeli

Project Supporter: ArtUp - Street Gallery - Tbilisi Digital School - CG Georgia
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