Shadowsocks vpn share icon

Shadowsocks vpn share


Shadowsocks vpn free SS,SSR account sharing

App Information

Jan 29, 2020
Google Play ID

App Names

App Description
Shadowsocks share - its role is to share and exchange Shadowsocks VPN accounts
Now many of my friends use Shadowsocks and share them with everyone. If you have a US server, but you want to use Japan or other countries, then you can come here to share and exchange with everyone.

The purpose of this account sharer was to let friends who like to travel through the public account to go around the world to have a look.

1. All shared accounts in this app are from anonymous users.

2. You can set points or advertisements when you share your Shadowsocks account.

3. The application will automatically detect all shared accounts to ensure availability.

4. The shared account is completely free for everyone.

5. If you don't share your account, you can use most of the free accounts inside for free.

6. If you successfully share an active SS account, your privilege is to browse the Shadowsocks account shared by all users in the app.

7. The SS account in the Shadowsocks share is common to all clients that support the Shadowsocks protocol: PCs and mobile devices, even routers, etc...

8. This is the Shadowsocks account sharer. It doesn't have the function of vpn. If you don't use Shadowsocks, you can go and see how Shadowsocks can be used.
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