Pengubah Latar Belakang Foto icon

Pengubah Latar Belakang Foto


Now those of you who feel clueless can replace / change the background of your photo!

App Information

Feb 03, 2017

App Names

App Description
Modifiers Background Photo is an application that is easy to use by everyone, including you who are clueless to the children to change the background of your photo and replace with new backgrounds, such as background scenery, recreation, city, object / national monument another and so on through the templates background (background) that has been provided.

You can use this application started just to play together with your friends, up to support the activities of other more serious you are in need of this kind of application.

Features of the application are:
* Use photos that you have previously captured or capture a new photo with camera features that exist
* Perform rotation photos
* Zoom in and out of photos
* Gives effect
* Selecting a template dozens background (background) to be used

Hope it is useful.

In the future we will update the templates for the background (background) that exist.

Please contact us for your inputs.
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