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Farmacias de Bizkaia


Pharmacies of the Biscay Guard

App Information

Jan 22, 2022

App Names

App Description
The College of Pharmacists of Bizkaia presents a mobile application that allows you to instantly know all the information about the pharmacies of Bizkaia in a fast and comfortable way.

All the information in 6 tabs:

1. Near me: Indicates all pharmacies that are near your position.

2. Pharmacies: Allows the search of pharmacies on duty, pharmacies in Bizkaia, pharmacies in Bilbao and pharmacies for services.

3. Favorites: You can have your list of favorite pharmacies.

4. Video advice: Videos that aim to provide citizens with information and recommendations on different aspects of interest in the field of pharmacy and health.

5. Of interest: Relevant health news that the School transfers to you.

6. More: Possibility of changing the language in Basque and Spanish, sharing the application, school information ... etc.
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