Apsik! aplikacja dla alergików icon

Apsik! aplikacja dla alergików


Achoo! is a comprehensive application created especially for allergy sufferers

App Information

May 15, 2024
Google Play ID

App Names

App Description
An application helpful for every allergy sufferer.

Achoo! it does not require any registration, and all information entered by the user is saved only on his phone and is not made available to anyone. The application is completely free, there are no embedded micropayments.

What you will find in Apsik!:
- constantly updated information on dust concentration and allergens of your choice in your region. The data comes from current readings from measurement stations of the Environmental Allergen Research Center.

- geolocated information about the air condition (smog alerts) and weather (for the function to work, you must agree to geolocation on your phone)

- trip planning - a module in which you can check what selected allergens you may come into contact with along the way and what dust is present at the destination of your trip

- you can arrange all modules on the application's home page in the order you choose (using the arrows next to the name of individual widgets)

- cross-allergen scanner - it is worth knowing how individual inhalant allergens selected in Apsik react with each other! with food allergens

- map of the nearest allergy offices

- information about cross-allergens

- notifications about upcoming dusting of selected allergens (for the function to work, you must agree to receive notifications on your phone)

- a dust map presenting the dust status of all active allergens in any part of Poland.
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