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How to start a small business - How to manage your ideas comes first

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Aug 19, 2022

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How to start a small business - How to manage your ideas comes first

Thoughts, without action, never become larger than the brain cells that occupy them

The key to how to start a small business is not about knowing the mechanical sequence of a business idea, business plan, business financing, etc. and more about the way you think and how you manage your ideas.

The key has to do with yours
- Target
- will

If you have a tendency to focus on a negative idea or event, this may prevent you from taking action to start your own business. You can learn to manage your thoughts in a way that enables you to achieve your goals. This ability is essential to getting started on the path to becoming your own boss.

How to start a small project - the mechanical part

When thinking about how to start a small business, the mechanical part is the easy part.
The mechanical steps are:

Step 1 business ideas
Step 2 Business plan
Step 3 funding
Step 4: get started
Step 5: unlocking the doors (if working offline)

Easy to find tips about steps 2-5. Much has been written about them. There can be a lot to learn about getting business ideas, although it is much easier than you think.

I've covered the whole topic of getting business ideas in a separate article titled "How to start a business from home - getting an idea for your business"

How to start a small business - your intention
The dilemma that many people face is:

Should you continue with your current job or should you leave it to start your small business? The current job pays the mortgage and other bills. However, you may be unhappy at the job. There may be pressure. May require many hours. There is always the risk of layoffs. You must have a strong intention and desire to live life and earn a living on your own terms, to achieve the breakthrough and make the decision to start your small business.

How to Start a Small Business - Your Desire for Success
Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good that we might gain so often, through fear of trying ~ William Shakespeare

From the human experience of doubt. We all have doubts running through our minds about all kinds of things. When you think of starting your own business, doubts will enter your mind. It's normal. You are entering an unknown region. Those who manage to start their own business will have a way to deal with their doubts so they don't even think about it. Dwelling will lead to indolence. Inaction will not lead to any business of your own.

The desire to penetrate doubts, as well as to overcome other obstacles along the way, will come from your motivation to start your own small business. Your level of willpower is comparable to the level of motivation you have to start your own business. To increase your willpower, you need to increase self-motivation.

How to start a small business
How to start a small business - your perseverance, perseverance, and flexibility
Also, your perseverance, perseverance and flexibility is with your mind - how you think and how you manage your thoughts. As with any endeavor, when you start working on your own, you will face difficult challenges and possibly some disappointments. Since you will likely be alone, your mental style about these things matters.

If you allow your attention to focus on negativity, you won't have the ability to bounce back quickly. You must train yourself to do two things when faced with challenges

1. Learn from negative experiences quickly
2. Quickly reformulate those experiences in your mind in a way that enables you to achieve your goals

I think the first and foremost element when thinking about how to start a small business is how to manage your own thought process and your own thoughts.

I will conclude this article with a related quote from Confucius.
"Our greatest glory is not in the fall but in the rise every time we fall."
As an executive coach and life coach over the past 20 years, I've helped hundreds of people make the transition from hiring to becoming their boss.

A key component of the transition process has been providing them with tools to help them improve the way they think about transition and their goals.

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