KLyrics - Lyrics Finder icon


- Lyrics Finder

Download KLyrics APK - Lyrics Finder for Android - Free - Latest Version

App Information

Jul 04, 2015
Google Play ID

App Names

App Description
If you love music, using multiple music players and enjoy viewing lyrics this is the perfect app for you. It also supports multiple languages of lyrics; English, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and maybe French and Korean.

How to use:
1 Click on icon to launch App.
2 Use supported music player to play music.
3 Click on Notification icon or Now Playing to view lyrics.
4. If you got incorrect lyrics. Use 'Selective reload'.
In pop-up uncheck site one at a time from top to bottom.
OK it. See if you can find right lyrics from sites below.

For Chinese lyrics it provides you a way to convert between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.

Lyrics can be saved to external storage so that you can browse them offline.

You can select various themes to change the look and feel of this App. You can customize the font size, font color and background color of your choice when viewing lyrics.

Supported Players:
Android Default Player
Google Play Music
PlayerPro and Trial
jetAudio Baisc and Plus
Fusion Music Player
Sensor Music Player
HTC One Player
Samsung Player
Rocket Player
Cubed Player
Music Folder
Android Music Player,
Meridian Player Transcend
Astro Player Nova

1. Additional menu will pop up by fling left or long press on title bar or long press selected item or tap on menu button. In other words fling left or long press on title bar acts as tap on menu button.
2. One of the best way to use it is connected to WiFi, play the songs that you want to fetch lyrics. After lyrics is fetched skip to another song. Next time when you listen to the same song the lyrics can be displayed even without internet connection and will be much faster.
3. You can remove lyrics providers that you do not need from default setting by using [Set up Default Providers] select it. Touch icon to move up and down to re-order and drag icon to right edge to remove.
What do those providers support:
MoJim, ViewLyrics and SuperFast support Chinese,Japanese, Korean lyrics
ViewLyrics, MetroLyrics, AbsoluteLyrics, LyricsMode, JustLyrics, Lyrster and SuperFast support English, Italian, Spanish and other languages of lyrics.
MoJim has limited downloads per IP address per day.
4. If you are interested in English lyrics always put AbsoluteLyrics in the first position in[Set up default providers].
5. If you got wrong lyrics for current track. You can use [Selective Reload] and unchecked the first few lyrics sites then OK and see if this can find the right lyrics for you from a site down below.
6. If you do not need Chinese conversion you can disable or enable in preference.
7. Lyrics are stored in KLyrics folder. You can backup lyrics by copying them to other folder.

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