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Akademia Teacher App


All your teaching needs in one application.

App Information

Aug 27, 2024
Google Play ID
App Description
The Akademia Teacher App is now here to make teaching activities in Ruangguru even easier!

This app has:
- List of teaching sessions
- Teaching Guide
- Exercise
- QR scanner
Everything is available in one application and can be accessed directly by teachers.

List of Teaching Sessions
No more worrying about forgetting to schedule your teaching sessions! With the List of Teaching Sessions, you can see all the session schedules that have been scheduled by the admin easily and practically.

Teaching Guide
Explore the Lesson Plan or Teaching Guide menu, where information on teaching materials awaits. Easily, you can study teaching materials according to the topics and sub-topics you choose and find learning objectives, interesting teaching materials, and interactive activities that can be used to support teaching and learning activities.

Improve the quality of learning with practice questions in the application. There are various questions according to the topic and subtopic you want. These practice questions are also available in various levels of difficulty! so you can choose the level of difficulty according to the level of understanding of students.

QR Scanners
Now, you can conduct a question and answer session on practice questions in a fun and interactive way in class! Use the QR scanner to scan student answers instantly. Not only that, you can also directly monitor student grades in this application.
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