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Pocket Physio


Pocket Physio provides video and text based exercises after hip or knee surgery.

App Information

Jun 19, 2016
Google Play ID

App Names

App Description
Care UK's Pocket Physio app is an easy to use guide to the physiotherapy exercises you need to do to prepare for, and recover from, hip or knee replacement surgery.

The app provides video and text instructions on pre- and post-operative exercises, enabling you to establish a strong exercise regime before surgery that you can also continue afterwards, helping you to make a speedy recovery. You can even plan your own exercise regime using the reminder function.

Pocket Physio includes advice on hip precautions, breathing exercises, self-assessment, managing pain, and walking with a frame or crutches. There are also techniques to make dressing, bathing and getting in and out of vehicles easier as you recuperate.

Pocket Physio is provided by Care UK, one of the UK’s leading independent providers of health and social care services. Care UK provides home care and runs hospitals, treatment centres, care homes and day care clubs, all in the heart of the community.
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