Photo finish stopwatch icon

Photo finish stopwatch


Enjoy the photo-finish technology to measure race time and determine the winner!

App Information

Jul 30, 2021
Google Play ID
App Description
Use professional photo-finish technology on your smartphone. Use the slit camera technique to measure the finish time of any racing event with high accuracy. Get a picture to determine the winner with high precision.

Photo Finish stopwatch will allow you to:
1. Measure finish time with 0.05s precision
2. Determine the winner of the race.
3. Save a picture to prove the winner and result.
4. Share this picture with your friends.

How it works?
The app made a series of slit photos of the finish line.
Each photo frame has a timestamp with precise stopwatch time.
When on the frame you see that the finish line is crossed. It means that the timestamp of a specific frame defines the finish time.

1. Point a camera at the finish line. The solid line should point at the finish. The dashed line shows the frame border.
2. Select the proper direction.
3. Select the proper frame width.
4. Start the stopwatch at the race start.
5. When the winner approaches the finish line, start recording.
6. When the athlete crosses the finish line - stop recording.
7. Scroll the resulting image right or left and find the frame when the winner crosses the finish line. The timestamp at the cursor line shows the precise result.

The application uses the slit-photo technique. It combines a series of frames to the resulting image in chronological order.
Depending on how the athlete approaches the finish line it is more comfortable to combine frames in “left to right'' or “right to left order”.

Frame width.
This setting depends on the distance between the camera and the finish line, and the athlete's speed. If the camera is too close or the athlete is fast, then it can cross the frame sector too fast. The resulting image will not be clear. Thus it is better to increase image width. From another point, the width of the resulting image is limited. If the frame is too wide then you will have less time to record the winner result.

The estimated stopwatch precision is about 0.05s. It depends mainly on the device's camera frame rate. Standard phones support 30fps. 1/30 = 0.033ms. Also if device performance is low app can skip some frames.

The copy-paste function is available for stopwatch start time.
It allows us to measure the precise time between two events.
For example.
1. Record the start event.
2. Record the finish event.
3. Select the frame with the start event (for example the starting gunshot).
4. Copy the timestamp of this frame into the clipboard.
5. Paste this timestamp as the stopwatch start time (if the race is still running) or recalculate the finish image using the new start moment.

Stopwatch sync.
You can "share" the stopwatch start time over devices.
1. Set the main stopwatch as a server. Server ID will be generated.
2. Set other devices as a client and enter the server ID.
3. Now stopwatch time on all client devices will be synchronized with the server stopwatch. You will see stopwatch start and reset events.
NTP Technology will be used to ensure the stopwatch's accuracy.

More features
1. Use the gallery to view the result image history
2. Use the camera zoom
3. Share result images with friends
4. Use a pinch gesture or double-click to scale the resulting image.
5. Use the volume buttons, Bluetooth control, or headset to stat-stop recording and stopwatch. It allow to put your device on the tripod.
6. Use the app setting to control maximum result width, scale color, sound, etc.
7. Use your device as a starting gun. It will replay the shot sound and give a flash signal to start the race.
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