Thairath AR icon

Thairath AR


Thairath AR apps available in conjunction with the Bangkok Post. By shining rights to the picture with the AR.

App Information

Jul 21, 2021
Google Play ID

App Names

App Description
The Thairath AR apps running concurrently with Rath. By shedding the image with the symbol "AR" greatly expands the content of the newspaper to see the pictures and exclusive content. The format clips Photo gallery Immersive Graphic graphics, 3D virtual image 360 ​​degrees.

Function key Of apps Thairath AR is a new version.
- enhance the exposure to the environment in each piece. To add dimension and realism to images and graphics, 3D virtual reality.
- You can take pictures with Immersive Graphic 3D graphics and virtual reality. Share to be social.
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