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Chattogram Bloodbook


Connect donors and seekers for lifesaving blood donations seamlessly.

App Information

Aug 13, 2024
App Description
Chattogram Bloodbook is a user-friendly app designed to connect blood donors and seekers effortlessly. Our mission is to streamline the blood donation process, making it accessible and efficient for everyone. Whether you're a donor willing to help or someone in need of blood, Chattogram Bloodbook is your reliable partner.

Key Features:

Post Blood Requests: Instantly post blood requests without any registration hassles.
Real-time Notifications: Stay updated with notifications about blood request updates and responses.
Direct Communication: Connect with donors and seekers via messages or phone calls, ensuring prompt assistance.
Location-Based Services: Enable location to view the distance of blood request posts and find donors nearby.
Create Donor Profiles: Easily create and manage donor profiles for quick access.
Search and Filter: Find donors by blood group and location with advanced search filters.
Range-Based Search: Use your location to search for donors within a specific range, increasing the chances of finding the right match.
Educational Resources: Access detailed information about blood donation, its benefits, and guidelines.
Permissions Required:

Location: To help find nearby donors and measure request post distances.
Internet Access: Required for app functionality and communication between users.
Why Choose Chattogram Bloodbook?

Easy to Use: Our intuitive interface ensures a seamless experience for all users.
Reliable Connections: We prioritize quick and direct connections between donors and seekers.
Community Support: Join a community committed to saving lives through effective blood donation.
Download Chattogram Bloodbook now and become a part of a life-saving network. Together, we can make a difference, one drop at a time.
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