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Monkey Boss


A fun way to determine if your boss is a monkey

App Information

Aug 20, 2024
App Description
If you are a frustrated public servant or a worker looking for a bit of humor, this app is for you. Assuming you are a hardworking individual, your happiness at work depends heavily on your manager. A good manager that appreciates your hard work is rare. If you have one - go back to work 🙂. Otherwise, stay with us to check if your boss is a monkey. If you are convinced that your boss is a monkey, go to the “quiet quitting” section for some relaxation and games.

In summary, this app pokes some fun on account of bad managers. So, if you are a manager, please go through the questions to see if your behavior at work is not that of a monkey. Please take it as a humorous reminder that your team's happiness very much depends on you.

So, let’s see if your boss is a monkey!

Acknowledgement: images are designed by catalyststuff on Freepik:
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