Krebs Therapie Assistent Mika icon

Krebs Therapie Assistent Mika


Monitor side effects, get expert advice, learn to manage cancer

App Information

May 15, 2024

App Names

App Description
From yoga to nutrition to relaxation. From informed to motivated: The cancer app Mika accompanies you during and after cancer therapy. Reducing symptoms, reducing stress, becoming more flexible, eating healthily, understanding medical terms and your therapy - so much at once that you should pay attention to. With Mika you keep track of things and regain control. Mika has been proven to help you reduce exhaustion and other stresses associated with cancer, mindfulness and movement exercises, answers to difficult questions - Mika helps you to better cope with the mental and physical consequences of your illness. You can rely on qualified information and medical expertise: Mika is developed in close collaboration with leading oncologists, psycho-oncologists and cancer researchers at the Charité, the Leipzig University Hospital and the NCT Heidelberg. The Mika app is also a certified medical product according to MDR (Class IIa). This means that Mika has been thoroughly evaluated and meets the highest quality and safety standards.

The cancer app Mika offers you a wide range of support:

Check-Up – Observe and document how you are feeling.

With the health check-up in the cancer app Mika, symptoms and side effects can be easily documented. Regular check-ups make it easier for you to keep track of things and communicate with your treatment team. Mika gives you recommendations and alerts you if there are any abnormalities. This means that important decisions can be made quickly in an emergency.

Themed trips – reduce stress, gain courage, build strength

The Mika themed trips are a scientifically based program that helps you improve your quality of life during and after cancer therapy. In courses like “Yoga for Cancer” or “Nutrition for Cancer” you will learn step by step how to deal with stress and increase your own sense of well-being. On some themed trips you will be accompanied by other people who have experienced cancer or medical professionals such as Dr. Yael Adler or Prof. Dr. Jalid Sehouli from the Charité. The program was developed together with experts from psychology, psychotherapy and psycho-oncology.

Discover – Get information you can trust.

Mika summarizes medical information so that you can better understand your cancer and the treatment. Mika also offers you even more: listening experiences related to mindfulness and relaxation. Tips on exercise and diet for cancer. Videos and exercise training that help you relieve side effects such as fatigue. In addition to doctors from oncology and psychology, our specialist editorial team also includes experts from physiotherapy, nutritional science, social counseling and other disciplines. Mika offers you verified information that you can rely on.
Our goal is to be a real help to people with cancer. To ensure innovative data technology that serves your health, we are committed to handling your data responsibly. Our data protection goes far beyond the legal regulations
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

All data sets are stored on German servers to which the highest security standards apply.
All personal data in the Mika app is only stored in data centers that are ISO 27001 certified.
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