Fallen Angels -Bible Education icon

Fallen Angels -Bible Education


The Restoration of Fallen Angels

App Information

Aug 08, 2024
App Description
In this lesson about fallen angels, you will learn about the good and evil in the Bible, as well as the Bible’s perspectives on Lucifer, the Devil, and Satan. With a little help from the Bible, you will learn what these fallings and the war in heaven entailed and how it led to an eternal struggle between good and evil and the world we live in today.

Jesus has said when He returns, Heaven will change its mode of harvest and this will allow the sons of God to help to change the hearts and souls of humanity. This is the lesson on the life of Christ.

The Bible is our primary and eternal resource for spiritual warfare. We want to help you to sharpen and refine your spiritual skills and equip you with fresh understanding as you lay your weapons down on the battlefield to fight in the spiritual war.

What can be said about the Fallen angels who teach sin and wrath by suggesting we should join them? One thing is for sure, it is their fault we are educated to be separated from God in the first place. Every Sunday we'll dive into a lesson of the Fallen Angels with relevant scripture and teaching on how sin and wrath gets us into trouble.

There is a God and He is merciful, but there are also wicked people who have done many wrong things. In this Bible study series, one central question is asked: How does one go from being bad to being good? We’re committed to give listeners a unique perspective on Bible Study. This podcast is dedicated to telling personal stories that are honest and relevant to today’s listeners.

We exist to tell and show them to glorify the Lord, who saved us from our sin, and through the cross and resurrection, redeemed us from our fallen nature. Become a part of a greater story that has an end. Weekly bible study to get you closer to the heart of Jesus. It is Bible-based, culturally accurate, and family-friendly.

A peak into the Bible with a bible education curriculum - fallen angels are fascinating characters with a rich history. Learn in their own words how they carried out missions and why they were thrown out of heaven. The Bible is full of stories of sin, redemption and salvation.
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