Dictionary Alchemy icon

Dictionary of alchemy in Spanish to discover elements and meaning

App Information

Feb 16, 2017
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App Description
App in Spanish

In the Greek is where the etymological origin of the term alchemy is found. In concrete we can determine that it is in the word chemia, that can be defined like "mixture of liquids". From the said word was from which it was set out to later create alchemy as such that was established by the Arabs who were the ones who created the term alkymya.

Alchemy is an esoteric belief that is linked to the transmutation of matter. The practices and experiences of alchemy were key to the original development of chemistry, while the alchemists sought the philosopher's stone to transform any metal into gold.

Alchemy is considered as a proto-science or a philosophical discipline that includes notions of chemistry, physics, astrology, metallurgy, spiritualism and art.

Western alchemy has always been closely related to Hermeticism, a philosophical and spiritual system that has its roots in Hermes Trimegistus, a Greco-Greek syncretic deity and legendary alchemist. These two disciplines influenced the birth of Rosicrucianism, an important esoteric movement of the seventeenth century. In the course of the early modern period, dominant alchemy evolved in today's chemistry.

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