PV APP icon

PV APP facilitates communication with the employees of Barrick Pueblo Viejo.

App Information

Jul 22, 2019

App Names

App Description
PV APP is a mobile application that Barrick Pueblo Viejo has created to facilitate internal communication with those employees who do not have an email or fleet of the company.
Its main objective is to inform collaborators in a timely manner about the news and policies of the company.
This application is informative and can be downloaded for free in smart phones through Google Play or Apple Store.

Registry. The use of the PV App is exclusive for active employees of Barrick Pueblo Viejo. The registry is linked to the Oracle database, which allows maintaining the update and security of the data.
Terms and Conditions. Like any digital work tool, PV APP has terms and conditions that collaborators must read and accept before using it. The document was prepared and approved by the Legal Department of the company and is available for consultation. Among the most important points of this document are:
· Appropriate use of the information published in the application.
· Discriminatory or offensive language is not allowed within the forum.
· The inappropriate use of the application as a work tool can bring disciplinary consequences to the employee.

Road conditions. This session is updated by CECOM, and through a color code informs if the access roads to the mine are safe to transit.
Report an emergency: In case of emergency, employees can use the "Report an emergency" button, which is linked directly to the CECOM phone.
Events: It will appear in the start menu those activities that are scheduled in the calendar by the administrator of the application.
News. From there you can access the news, and recent conversations within the forum.

As well as a "Facebook" or Instagram "Fed", in this section you will find the latest news published within the APP. This is the most important information section of the application. Here the internal statements, policies and success stories will be published within the company. The news can be saved in the favorites section, which is in the form of a "star" just after the publication.

Interactive session within the PV APP, which aims to know the opinions of the collaborators about very specific topics. There the administrators of the APP will publish topics of interest so that the collaborators can leave their comments and opinions. Each comment is associated to the profile of the collaborator who publishes it. Within this session it is possible to:
Leave a comment individually on any topic discussed in the forum.
Qualify if any comment is useful or not for the collaborator.
Share or send any comments or information to coworkers.

Notifications menu
All notifications will be displayed in this menu, which appears in the form of "bell" in the upper right corner of the main screen. This will have a "red dot" indicating that there are notifications that have not been seen.

Dropdown menu
This menu, which is in the form of "three strips" in the upper left corner of the main menu, will have a list of different features of the application, including:
User profile
I am Barrick
Emergency manual
Employee handbook
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