Geography:F1-F4 complete notes icon

Geography:F1-F4 complete notes


The application contains form 1 - form 4 Geography KCSE standardized notes.

App Description
Geography:F1-F4 complete notes mobile software contains form 1 - form 4 Geography KCSE standardized notes. The main theme of the application is to equip students with the relevant knowledge in Geography. The application helps students and other users to gain skills, knowledge and expertise on how to tackle questions pertaining Geography in the KCSE final exam. The application contains the following topics:
1.0.0 Introduction to Geography
2.0.0 The Earth and the Solar System
3.0.0 Weather
4.0.0 Statistical Methods
5.0.0 Maps and Map Work
6.0.0 Field-Work
7.0.0 Minerals and Rocks
8.0.0 Mining

9.0.0 Internal Land-Forming Processes
10.0.0 Map Work
11.0.0 Photograph Work
12.0.0 Statistical Methods
13.0.0 Climate
14.0.0 Vegetation
15.0.0 Forestry

16.00 Statistical Methods
17.00 Map Work
18.00 External Land-Forming Processes
19.00 Soils
20.00 Agriculture

21.0.0 Statistical Methods
22.0.0 Land Reclamation and Rehabilitation
23.0.0 Fishing
24.0.0 Wildlife and Tourism
25.0.0 Energy
26.0.0 Industry
27.0.0 Transport and Communications
28.0.0 Trade
29.0.0 Population
30.0.0 Settlement
31.0.0 Management and Conservation of the Environment
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